The Treasure is the first episode of season three of The Deep Animated series. It has aired on March 3rd on ABC ME in Australia.
"The Dark Orca pirates unwittingly steal a treasure that can awaken a Monumential and possibly destroy them and the Nektons."
Network | Country | Air date | Time Schedule |
ABC ME | Australia | March 3,2019 | 5:38 pm (Local) |
CBBC | Great Britain | March 4, 2019 | 6 pm (Local) |
Family CHRGD | Canada | TBA | 5 pm
(Local) |
Character Appearances[]
- Nektons
- Dark Orca Crew
- This is the first episode in which the Red Claw is introduced in.
- This episode features another monumental in which is a Giant Pistol Shrimp.
- This episode reveals that Danny Boy made the Red Claw.
- The Giant Pistol Shrimp awakens for a short time due to the treasure in this episode, although the Monumential can quickly be put back into deep sleep.
- Nereus reveals that six thousand years ago there was a treacherous branch of the royal family, the Benthos, from whom Alpheus is descended. This also explains how Alpheus was able to use the Ephemychron in "The Gates", as he is the youngest descendant of his respective branches of the royal family of Lemuria, like Ant.
- The Benthos were responsible for the destruction of Lemuria, as they unleashed dangerous monumentials such as the Kraken and unleashed them on Lemuria.