The Deep Wiki

Proteus is the former leader and a former member of The Guardians.



Personality and Traits[]

Proteus has an overblown sense of his own superiority as Head of the Guardians and doesn't take kindly to having others question his integrity or being scolded. He is power hungry and cruel.



Proteus antagonizes Nereus because he is no longer the leader of the Guardians and doesn't like the influence Nereus already has.

The Nektons[]

Proteus wants to use the Nektons to assemble the Ephemychron to unlock Lemuria to control whatever power is contained there: namely, Doreus' Sceptre, which will enable control of the Monumentials, which will enable control of the world.


Proteus uses Alpheus in the same way by pretending to be on his side. However, Alpheus backstabs him and ejects him from his sub in Season 2. Proteus wasn't seen since.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]


  • It is not known what happened to Proteus, as he never appeared or was mentioned in the series again after he was left behind by Alpheus in "Hidden Secrets".


The Deep Animated Series Characters
Nekton Family Ant Nekton | Fontaine Nekton | Kaiko Nekton | Will Nekton | Jeffrey | Jacques Nekton | Kathryn Nekton
The Guardians Nereus | Glaucus | Proteus | Tethys
Other Kids Jess Gorman | Charlie | Griffin | Dhia | Queen Doreus
Hammerhead's Pirates Hammerhead | Mad Madeline | Smiling Finn | Danny Boy
Other Villains Alpheus Benthos | Devil Daniels | Dolos | Sebastian Conger | A.R.I.A. | A.I.M.Y.
Others Agnes De-Kretser | Professor Fiction | Bob Gorman | Kenji | Lester | Commander Pyrosome