The Deep Wiki
Quotation1 I only know that one of these symbols will lead to Lemuria or could be Lemuria or not! Quotation2
Nereus being evasive

Nereus in an eccentric old man who gives the Nektons vague advice on their search for Lemuria.

His age is 6000 years old as shown in the episode "Lemuria" where it shows that somehow or magically he is beyond human age. He is 162cm (5’4”) tall.


Whenever Nereus is with the Guardians, Nereus will wear the standard robe, just like the rest of the members. But if not he will wear a standard white t-shirt. In addition, he has a long beard and a mustache, with a bracelet from Queen Doreus that he uses to keep his beard in order with the crest of the royal family on it.



Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]


Ant Nekton[]

Nereus is a hero to Ant and is definitely a mentor to him. Nereus knew Ant's destiny from the start.

Fontaine Nekton[]

Fontaine is not keen on the mysterious and secret nature of Nereus and the guardians.

Will Nekton[]


  • Nereus is most likely named after the Greek god Nereus who was called by Homer in his epic Iliad as "The old man of the sea".
  • Once he came back to Lemuria during the episode "Lemuria" he started to remember memories when he was first there before Lemuria had sank.
  • Nereus was the first guardian sent from Queen Doreus.
  • He puts great faith in the Nektons.
  • He knew Will's parents.


Concept Art[]

TV Series[]


The Deep Animated Series Characters
Nekton Family Ant Nekton | Fontaine Nekton | Kaiko Nekton | Will Nekton | Jeffrey | Jacques Nekton | Kathryn Nekton
The Guardians Nereus | Glaucus | Proteus | Tethys
Other Kids Jess Gorman | Charlie | Griffin | Dhia | Queen Doreus
Hammerhead's Pirates Hammerhead | Mad Madeline | Smiling Finn | Danny Boy
Other Villains Alpheus Benthos | Devil Daniels | Dolos | Sebastian Conger | A.R.I.A. | A.I.M.Y.
Others Agnes De-Kretser | Professor Fiction | Bob Gorman | Kenji | Lester | Commander Pyrosome