The Deep Wiki
Quotation1 I'm a great pirate! Quotation2
Mad Madeline

Mad Madeline is the youngest child of Captain Hammerhead and the younger sister of Finn. She is a crew member of the Dark Orca pirate sub. She is 11 years old and 135cm (4'5") tall.


Mad Madeline has green eyes and black curly hair in a ponytail. She wears a black shirt with the red skull, multiple colourful (mostly black and red) bracelets on both wrists and she has a black and yellow belt around her waist.


Her name is mostly likely an alias based on her family obsessed with the classical pirates and for her aggressive personality, due to her being spoiled by her father. She takes pride in being a pirate, and boasts that she is the greatest pirate in the world. Ant likes to tease her with by telling her that she is no pirate on the grounds of a lack of height, ownership of a parrot, eye-patch or peg-leg. She knows about her brother's crush on Fontaine and she teases him over it.[1] In some respects Madeline is a counterpart of Ant, being more enthusiastic about the pirate life than her brother.


Nekton Family[]

Ant Nekton[]

She initially despised him for being a "do-gooder" and for teasing her about not being a real pirate.

In the episodes "The Missing" and "The Biggest", it is shown that they both can concoct a mutual tolerance for each other. It is also shown that they work efficiently together and even at times enjoy the company whilst trying not to admit it.

It is possible that the only reason they are enemies is because of the lives they live.

Fontaine Nekton[]

She generally dislikes Fontaine due to their opposing ideologies, as well as for impersonating a mermaid.[2]

Will Nekton[]

She only sees him as a do-gooder Nekton.

Kaiko Nekton[]

She only sees her as a do-gooder Nekton.


Madeline hates the fish for most of the time as a result of being out smarted by him as she mistook him of a robotic swimming toy in the episode "Loki's Castle". However, In the same episode it is shown that Madeline does respect the fish, at least enough to talk to it. It is shown in the episode "Deceptive Appearances" that Jeffrey identifies her as a threat. In the episode "Kidnapped" Madeline kidnaps the fish.

She later states that Jeffrey isn't all that bad (after being saved by him) especially compared to Ant.

Hammerhead's Pirates[]

Captain Hammerhead[]

Hammerhead and Madeline have a dodgy relationship just as any family does but they both care for the safety and welfare of each other. They both have an obsession with treasure, wealth and revenge.

She is desperate to prove her worth as a pirate.

Smiling Finn[]

Whilst she is in always perpetual competition with her brother over who is the better pirate, she will defend her brother when necessary.

Danny Boy[]

Danny Boy praises her ideas and plans especially if it could benefit him.[3].


Season 1=[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]


  • She understands a submarine's mechanics as she was able to sabotage the Dark Orca.



The Deep Animated Series Characters
Nekton Family Ant Nekton | Fontaine Nekton | Kaiko Nekton | Will Nekton | Jeffrey | Jacques Nekton | Kathryn Nekton
The Guardians Nereus | Glaucus | Proteus | Tethys
Other Kids Jess Gorman | Charlie | Griffin | Dhia | Queen Doreus
Hammerhead's Pirates Hammerhead | Mad Madeline | Smiling Finn | Danny Boy
Other Villains Alpheus Benthos | Devil Daniels | Dolos | Sebastian Conger | A.R.I.A. | A.I.M.Y.
Others Agnes De-Kretser | Professor Fiction | Bob Gorman | Kenji | Lester | Commander Pyrosome