Devil Daniels is an internet-famous sea explorer that likes to antagonize the Nektons and get in the way of important missions. Devil Daniels often hurts creatures to make them appear aggressive and will do anything to receive fame and sell more Devil Daniels merch such as Devil Daniels Shirts, Caps and Action Figure toys for his fans.
Devil Daniels has different personifications depending on whatever activity he follows along. During his broadcasts of his show, he would have a more fearless but somewhat dramatic personality while off-air, he would instantly change dramatically to a more aggressive kind of person. His accent also changes from a more British type when on-camera to an North American accent off-camera and vise versa.
In the episode "Whale of a Time", it is revealed his fans are Nereus, Captain Hammerhead and his pirates and Captain Chadwick and his crew. He has many fans and the Nektons aren't big fans of him. In "Loki's Castle" it is revealed that the Nektons' least favourite attention seeking showman is him, Devil Daniels.
Physical Appearance.[]
Season 1[]
- 10. Monster Hunter
- 19. Loki's Castle
Season 2[]
- 10. Whale of a Time
Season 3[]
- 5. Family Ties
- 7. The Unicorn
Season 4[]
Ant Nekton[]
Ant doesn't like Devil Daniels but watches his channel for intelligence on his dubious activities after their antagonist encounters with him.
Ant become quite angry with him for stealing his ideas in the episode "Unidentified Floating Objects".
Fontaine Nekton[]
Fontaine does not like Daniels for his fraudulent activities.
Kaiko Nekton[]
She dislikes his cruelty.
Will Nekton[]
He dislikes his cruelty and his fraudulent activities.
Hammerhead Pirates[]
They sometimes help each other in the pursuit of wealth.