The Deep Wiki
Quotation1 See? Told ya! You've got cool gear! Perfect! Quotation2
Agnes complementing the Nektons on how perfect their gear is for fossil-hunting

Agnes De-Kretser is an archaeologist friend of the Nektons. She made her first and only appearance in "Fossil".


Agnes is a tall and slender woman, with brown curly hair tied into a bun, with a strand of hair on her face. She wears a yellow hard hat to protect her head from incoming debris and has light brown eyes. She has light brown skin and wears a purplish-brown button-down shirt. She also wears medium-sized khaki shorts.


Agnes is very nice, letting the Nekton family pitch their ideas on what to name the giant crocodile, and is shown to have a sense of humor, laughing when Ant comes out of the caves with almost no clothes on, in the episode Fossil.

She is shown to love her work and be very careful with it, taking the utmost care to preserve anything she finds. She is shown to show disappointment when the bones of the giant crocodile turned out to be very young.


Agnes is good friends with the Nektons, calling them to help her with her discoveries.



Main article: Agnes De-Kretser/Quotes

Skills And Abilities[]


In Fossil, Agnes was able to determine the size of the giant crocodile from one bone, showing that she's studied archeology for quite some time.

The Deep Animated Series Characters
Nekton Family Ant Nekton | Fontaine Nekton | Kaiko Nekton | Will Nekton | Jeffrey | Jacques Nekton | Kathryn Nekton
The Guardians Nereus | Glaucus | Proteus | Tethys
Other Kids Jess Gorman | Charlie | Griffin | Dhia | Queen Doreus
Hammerhead's Pirates Hammerhead | Mad Madeline | Smiling Finn | Danny Boy
Other Villains Alpheus Benthos | Devil Daniels | Dolos | Sebastian Conger | A.R.I.A. | A.I.M.Y.
Others Agnes De-Kretser | Professor Fiction | Bob Gorman | Kenji | Lester | Commander Pyrosome