The Deep Wiki

A.R.I.A. is the AI controlling Alpheus Benthos' submarine.


Season 2[]

Season 3[]


A.R.I.A.'s relationship with Alpheus Benthos is very parental, but in the way that Alfred is a parental figure to Batman/Bruce Wayne.

A.R.I.A. has a more or less friendly relationship with Antaeus Nekton and Fontaine Nekton, despite Alpheus' relationship with the siblings.


The Deep Animated Series Characters
Nekton Family Ant Nekton | Fontaine Nekton | Kaiko Nekton | Will Nekton | Jeffrey | Jacques Nekton | Kathryn Nekton
The Guardians Nereus | Glaucus | Proteus | Tethys
Other Kids Jess Gorman | Charlie | Griffin | Dhia | Queen Doreus
Hammerhead's Pirates Hammerhead | Mad Madeline | Smiling Finn | Danny Boy
Other Villains Alpheus Benthos | Devil Daniels | Dolos | Sebastian Conger | A.R.I.A. | A.I.M.Y.
Others Agnes De-Kretser | Professor Fiction | Bob Gorman | Kenji | Lester | Commander Pyrosome